Friday, May 9, 2008


I mean come on!!! I'm only 27!!! I can't stand this pain anymore!!! Thank God for this "stimulus" check.. even though their mailing schedule is TOTAL CRAP!! Yes, Bush you heard me!! TOTAL CRAP! I won't see mine until July. What's that about? How hard is it to print checks and put them in the mail? I mean come on!! (yes I realize there's billions of checks to go out)... Oh stop it! I can whine if I want to. LOL! I can hear Lindsay now.. yammering in my ear.. LOL! Just kidding, L-Dawg. :) I luv yah! :)

Anyhoo... I've decided since I can't REALLY afford to get a pool this summer... I mean $1200 doesn't go very far in the pool industry you know? I've really spent time thinking and figuring out why I can sit up just fine but when I lay down my back kills me.. It's the BED!! Stupid saggy mattress... Blarg! So.... I'm heading to IKEA tomorrow to look at new beds. Then if they don't have a mattress, I'm going to check out some local high priced furniture stores.. I found some nice platform beds online at IKEA that you don't use a foundation with and that's the whole problem is the stupid foundation!!

So... I think platform is the way to go! and guess what the best part is?? I'm going KING sized so when the dogs decide they NEED to sleep with me and DH there's room for ME on the bed! I somehow always end up on the guest bed when both dogs NEED to sleep in the bed. Uh hu! Picture it.. Close your eyes and think of 2 adults.. 5'9" and 5' 10", a 109 lb black lab and a 112 lb chocolate lab in a QUEEN size bed.. Along with 4-5 cats... Hmmmmm sounds really messy doesn't it? It's not the comfortable, let me tell you...

As I type this I'm sitting in bed.. there's a dog at my feet and 3 cats to my left then there's dh on the FARRRRR left snoozing away. LOL.. You'd think that at 2:13 am I'd be sleeping too huh? Nope! I had a rough day with my back and my stomach was upset to boot so I'm still up.

Hey.. why not share some pics of what I'm rambling about? Let me see if I can find the bed I want..See.. It's simple and plain. Just what I want these days. The one I have now is an elaborate 4 poster bed and it's fit for a queen.. I'm getting to the point in my life where I want simple and clean and straight. I don't like having nooks and crannies poking me in the back when I sit up to blog at night. :) LOL!

Well.. ok, I just had to post something! It's been nearly a week since I last blogged. I'm sorry, no new cards yet! all my stuff is at grannie's still. I hope I can go get it soon because I have mom's day cards to make.

My mom has really stepped up since my back issues started. She's taken me to the Dr.. to the ER... to get meds on a Sunday when there was no one open.. She's come over to pick me up off the floor when I fell last week and she's come over to stay with me to make sure I'm ok when no one else could/would be here with me. So this year I'm actually going to spend the entire day with my MOM! I haven't spent a mother's day with her in many years. I've always gone to be with grannie. But this year I think it's time for a change of tradition. So mom, if by chance you're reading this, THANK YOU!! I appreciate you and all you've done for me lately. PS.. wanna go to IKEA with me? :)

I promise to you my friends and blog readers.. I will NOT post another blog post without CREATION pictures in it!! :)


Dianette Seda said...

Don't promise imposibles! lol. Well, I feel for you since I only have ONE cat and many times at home she takes far more than half the bed. Instead of cuddling close she lays horizontally and all straight to have most of it. Then, when I go to the other little piece of mattress (mine is full since there's no much space left in the room for a bigger one)she waits until I'm falling asleep.

Here comes the funny part. I feel her moving so I open my eyes to move to MY space of the bed as soon as she goes to another place and then, guess what! She cuddles behind my back curve (I need to be in my side so I don't fall). Do you think that is a way to sleep? I'm glad my boyfriend doesn't have any pet to throw me off the bed too. lol.

Lindsay Spencer said...

That's right! Positive, positive, Vicki! JK You can whine all you want. Sounds like a good idea for a new bed, it sure helped my body when we got a new bed. Sounds like you'll have a great mothers day this year. I'm glad for you.

Richelle said...

I hear ya on the stimulus check..end June for me! Oh well..

Love the bed! Hope your back gets better.

Anonymous said...

ok, well I can't really feel your pain at all!!! I am sure you don't want to hear it so... I hope the new bed helps you out.

have a good week!

Jamie Martin said...

Sorry to hear your back is giving you such problems! Hopefully a new bed will help, but it sounds like you need two king size beds to fit the family :)

Becca said...

Hey Vicki: I hope your back is healing. Please come to the group again...I had to change the name. You can e-mail me at:
Take care,

Becca said...

Vicki: oh my you are still in poor dear, I feel for you. The back is nothing to mess with. I hope you get time to rest and heal. Please e-mail me at: so you can rejoin the new group. I had to clean house a bit and since members wanted it to continue I got brave and went for it again.

Please come back when you feel better and bring some friends.

Take care,
P.S. I can't send you a card but I will send you prayers to get better.

Cheryl said...

That sucks! Hope you start to feel better soon!

Nina said...

Hi, sweetie! Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear about all the trouble you've been going through. Sending you my hugs and prayers. Yep, maybe a new bed would definitely mean a lot. Hope you have it now by the time you read this and are enjoying better back health.

Miss you so much. Hope you're feeling better.


Angie C said...

SBS13 Card Swap

details are now on my blog - please leave a comment if you would like to join in.
Hugs Angie

Anonymous said...

OOohhh, I love the bed. I need to upgrade to a king too. Our little one thinks he owns our bed-can't lay in one place, has to flop around until he's laid on every inch of it. With a king maybe he'd get lost cause it's so big! HA!