Tuesday, July 1, 2008

In loving memory...

I got the word late last evening of a terrible tradgedy that struck 2 of my friends, Vern and Linda Stanley. They were on the way to visit his parents in Washington state, riding their new motorcycle when Vern lost control of the bike and was hit head on by an on-coming pick up truck. They were pronounced dead at the scene. Vern and Linda were the kindest, most whole hearted people I've met in a very long time. They would light up a room and Vern would give you the shirt off his back no questions asked. Married only a couple of years these two were meant to be together forever. Vern and Linda please know that we all love you and will miss your laughter and love that you gave so freely. Here's a little poem for you...

My Friend

My friend who I remember being the best
A friend in the good and bad
My friend who was always there
Even if he wasn’t really there
A friend who help me up when I was down
A friend I'm not a shamed of
My friend who no more I can see
A friend who already passed away
My friend who might not be here
But still present in my heart
My friend who I remember till the end
As my friend who was always there.
-gustavo saldana


Heather said...

I am so sorry to hear of your lose. Your friends' families are in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Their families are in my prayers. You are in my prayers too. Remember the good things about them...

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear of your loss. Your friends sound like wonderful people.

Julie Koerber said...

Wow, that is tough. Know that I'm thinking of you! Losing friends in such a tragic way is beyond words. Hang in there!

Angie C said...

I am really sorry to hear about your friends - it must have been such a shock to everyone. Sending you and the families lots of hugs

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry for your loss.
They sound like wonderful people you will be in my thoughts during this difficult time. Hang in there! Again, I'm sorry!

Linanna DESIGNS said...

WHAT A REALLY LOVELY POEM!!! I am sorry to hear about your friends, there are so many sad things that happen for no apparent reason. I have been very fortunate and have never lost anyone close to me. My thoughts are with you.
I have enjoyed looking at your blog. Best wishes.

Richelle said...

I am so sorry to hear of your lose. Hugs Richelle

Maureen said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss. You are their families are in my thoughts.

Jules said...

I am so sorry about the loss of your friends.

Dianette Seda said...

I'm sorry for your lose. BUT a romantic as I am, I need to tell you, that at least they went together to paradise and their marriage might be the happier one where they are now. Hugs.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for all of your comments everyone. It means a lot to us that you're thinking of us and the family. Today was the funeral and burial. Roma (Linda's DD) put together a beautiful service. The family seems to be holding their own as to be expected. Vern was, no IS a veteren of the Gulf Coast war. They presented his oldest son with the flag and played taps. It was a gorgeous burial as well. I'm holding my own. I haven't officially cried until today and it's tearing me up inside. They were great friends always smiling and happy. May they rest in peace with our father.