Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What a day!

I got to make cards! I sat and played with the March Royal kit from Queen Kat Designs! Check out this snail. Isn't he just the cutest little thing you've seen??

I made this book mark for grannie. She reads so much!! and I hate to read. My friend Christy had a pic of a book mark the other night that she shared with me and I had to make one. It was allot of fun!

This is another card I made with the March Royal Kit! It's too cute! These stamps are so fun to work with!

If you'd like to see more creations with this kit, click here. :)


Anonymous said...

everything looks great V! the new stamps are adorable!

Nina said...

Hey, Vicki! Yikes, I've never seen so much snow, especially literally in someone's backyard! Poor you! =(

Hope it warms up some and you get saner weather. Hope you're enjoying the indoors creating at least.

Those are just gorgeous, girl! You always amaze me at what you come up with.

Have an award for you over at my blog by the way.

Love yah,

The twins mum said...

Hey Vicki oh my gosh look at all the snow!!
Love your snail what a cutie
enjoy you day stay warm